Parlez-vous Francais?

parlez vous

We are 2/3 finished with our one year French study program. With one class to go, we still feel quite deficient, yet we are told by our professors that we are doing well and “right on time” with our learning. Our brains are FULL of information – grammar, vocabulary, conjugations, idiomatic phrases – and now it needs to begin to flow out of our mouths!

Practice. Practice. Practice.

With that said, we thought some of our family and friends who are on this journey with us would fancy a peek into our world a bit with this…so here are some video links to watch us speak french. These are NOT impressive. In truth they are pretty embarrassing, but like I said they are a glimpse. Our whole family gave presentations at the end of July and we recorded them here. So…Enjoy!

Nathaniel – “Les Sports” (5:17 min) The Sports

Jonathan – “Les Animaux” (3:13 min) The Animals

Ruth – “La Petite Sirène” (2.39 min) The Little Mermaid

[The kids spent the month of July with a tutor, working individually on their french. These presentations were given to a small group in our classroom.]

Andrew – Presentation given for part of our class final (10:38 min)

[Andy’s topic was to share a story about a refugee couple who settled in Canada.]

Nikki – Presentation given for part of our class final (6:11 min)

[Nikki’s topic was to summarize the impact of bees on agriculture and how their decline is affecting Canada.]

Well, all of this is a bit unsettling…I feel quite vulnerable sharing these! But, then again, this whole entire process of learning a new language as an adult is utterly humbling.

We read children’s books.

french children's book

We babble like children.

kids speaking


And one older gentleman who has watched many people learn this language, warned us right away that we would “look and feel as ridiculous as grown-ups trying to ride a big wheel”.

great-big-wheel-race-nyc(photo credit: Nifty NYC)

Therefore, I will share these with you dear friends and family, knowing full well that you also have your own priceless – oftentimes humbling! – treasures of “growing pains” in your life.

Let’s all enjoy the ride together!