Brothers and sisters, pray for us.

We understand that prayer is the heartbeat of this work in Niger. Only God can truly transform the hearts of men and women. We work hard, to be sure, but it is God who accomplishes incredible things in the darkest of places in the world. Please join us in our ministry in Niger by praying WITH us!

Niger fast facts:

  • Population: 27,112,000
  • Religion: Islam 93%, Evangelical Christian 0.97%
  • Ranked one of the most undeveloped places in the world
  • Background: Niger became independent from France in 1960. It is one of the poorest countries in the world with insufficient funds to develop its resource base. The largely agrarian and subsistence-based economy is frequently disrupted by extended droughts common to the Sahel region of Africa.
  • For more information about Niger, visit the Joshua Project.

Here are some ways to pray for this ministry in Niger and for our family.


  • Pray for professing Christians in Niger to be full of conviction, integrity, and zeal for God and His glory, in their homes and in their communities.
  • Pray for the organized church in Niger to be alive with the Holy Spirit, above reproach, and Biblically sound in their theology.
  • Pray for pastors in Niger to be full of wisdom and compassion, honest, selfless, willing to serve others, and willing to live counter-culturally when necessary to uphold the Word of God.
  • Pray for men and women who are being trained in the Bible schools in Niger. Pray that they will clearly understand God’s calling on their lives as leaders in the church.
  • Pray for couples to be courageous as they live out the biblical principles of marriage and family in their homes. Pray that God will give them confidence in His word and encouragement to persevere through the fires of persecution.
  • Pray for Christian families to live in such a righteous way in their communities that they will draw many of their neighbors to believe in Jesus Christ. Pray that these Christian families will be ready to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who are curious.
  • Pray for the couples that we (Andy and Nikki) are investing in, that they will take the tools and teaching we have shared with them, and boldly serve their churches and communities. Pray that God’s favor would be on these couples, giving them open doors to teach, mentor, and be examples to others.


  • Pray for our children to grow in their faith and friendship with Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for each of them to have deep and meaningful friendships with other Christians.
  • Pray for God’s provision in their lives, for their work and in every way.
  • Pray for our (Andy and Nikki) marriage, that we will have unity and joy in our life and ministry together. Pray for our protection from the schemes of the enemy who wants to divide us and take away our force as a team.
  • Pray for our extended family to have peace about our travels, that they will have comfort from God that we are in God’s care at all times, whether near or far.